who we are
We are a community of people who have come to the end of ourselves. As painful as that end may have been, it is there that we found a rescuer in the person of Jesus Christ. It was there at the end of our life that we were reborn into this new life of the Spirit.
Oh, we still struggle and that is plain to see. We remain all too human as we allow God to change us and build His character in us. Call it recovery or sanctification, but call us fortunate to be appropriating God's power for change.
Having received new life in Christ, we now have His message of love, forgiveness, and reconciliation. Yes, we have the gospel of Jesus Christ, "the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes." (Romans 1:16)
So, join us. God is in us. You can see Him, hear Him, beyond our limitations. We may be from backgrounds of addiction, abuse, divorce, poverty, and fear, but we have become children of the Living God.
our Staff
Rev. Reba McCray
Senior Pastor
CEO of ARC Recovery Services
Rev. Jim Riffle
Associate Pastor
Benjamin Heischman
Head of Men's ministry
Rev. Sandy Riffle
Community Coordinator
Erica Howard
Head of Women's Ministry
David Lemon
Melissa Heischman
Office Assistant
Aaron Vernon
Beacon Manager
Outreach Coordinator
Jeanne Schramm
ICIT Coordinator
Garden Club
Desiree McKenzie
Worship Director
Susan Lee
Youth Ministry Director
Megan Johnson
Assistant Director of Operations
Michael Lee
Jim Chiarello
Head of Prayer Team
Head of Ushers Ministry
Elaine Balas
Children's Ministry Director
James Osborn
Head of Sound team