We Believe
- In one God, the Father, the Almighty, creator of heaven and earth.
- In Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God, born of a virgin; one being with the Father; the Image of the unseen God, and the full revelation of the Father.
- That Jesus died on the cross as an atoning sacrifice for sin; that He rose again on the third day, demonstrating His victory over sin and death.
- In the Holy Spirit, Who proceeds from the Father and Son; the very real presence of God indwelling the believer, resident in the church, and moving throughout the world.
- That salvation is by grace, received through faith, not by works; that we are baptised a new creation in Christ, and a member of His body, the community of believers.
- In the fullness of a life in the Spirit, of laying aside the old man and growing into the new; including the manifestation of gifts such as healing, prophesy, tongues, and miracles.
- That the bible is the authoritative, inspired, and living word of God; the complete expression of His will; that it is life producing, and that herein is our source of truth, the unchanging, objective ground on which we stand.
- That eternal life is the destiny of all those who believe, not only as our hope beyond the grave, but a present reality to be partaken of in our earthly lives.
- That it is our responsibility to carry the gospel message of Christ as a light unto the world, both as a testimony of our mouths and a demonstration of our lives.